dear readers,
hello and happy new year from kansas city! it’s your old friend katie crutchfield writing personally to let you know that today is my 35th birthday. i decided now might be as appropriate a time as any to soft-launch my experimental, indiscriminate & rather concept-less substack to you, my lovely pre-existing newsletter subscribers.
who knows what will become of this. some of you may know i have not personally run my social media accounts for some time, for a myriad of reasons. while team waxahatchee has long-used those accounts to keep the world updated on the goings-on, i thought this could be a perfect place to share my thoughts, news, artistic endeavors & outfits with you, direct to your inbox.
i have some very exciting news to share extremely soon! until then - please enjoy some film photos i took in 2023, the byproduct of a hobby i picked up right at the start of last year.
more soon & many thanks,